dinsdag, augustus 05, 2008

Onze vriend Toussef I

De komende dagen ga ik vreemd. Even niet over wijn, maar over onze nieuwe vriend in Togo: Toussef Sultan. Wij vroegen ons af hoe het nou zou werken als je weer zo'n verhaal in je mailbox krijgt waar je miljoenen in beloofd krijgt. Dus een willekeurige teruggemaild. De komende dagen een verslag, vandaag deel I.

Van: Toussef Sultan
Onderwerp: From Toussef Sultan.

Dear Sir,
Greetings to you and your family.
Based on your profile, l am happy to request for your assistance and also to go into business partnership with you, i believe that you will not betray my trust which i am going to lay on you.
I am Mr. Toussef Sultan, the only son of my late parents Dr. Chuli Sultan and Hon. Mrs. Aminatu Sultan (Midwife). My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my father took me so special. Before his death, my father was the Chief Executive of the Diamond Mine in Darfur - Sudan. On April 6 2006 Rebels (ARAB MILITIAS) invaded the DIAMOND MINE and assassinated my Father.
When the news reached me, I Hurriedly gathered some precious valuables in our family villa and escaped to Lome - Togo to seek for refuge. Among the valuables was a file that contained details of a deposit my Father made in a security company in Lome - Togo. The document stated that my late Father deposited a sum of USD$27,000,000 left in a security company in a metalic trunk box, but the security company does not know the real content of the deposit because it was registered as family valuables personal for security reasons.
Now that I am here in Togo and verified/confirmed the existence of this deposit, I need your assistance to move this deposit out of Togo for investment in your country as I cannot invest Or operate any bank account here in TOGO due to my statute as a political asylum seeker. I am not allowed to operate any bank account , transact business or large sum of money be found in my possesion.
The death of my father have actually brought sorrow to my life. I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded.
Now permit me to ask this one question:
Can I completely trust you?
Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible.
Thank you so much.

My sincere regards,
Mr. Toussef Sultan

4 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Udo, jouw vader echter is nog lang niet dood en al helemaal geen milionair en die ziet toch veel liever dat zijn briljante wijnzoon bezig is met het vermarkten van door velen hooggewaarde Zuid-Afrikaanse topwijnen!

Anoniem zei

Dear Sir,

In order to see if you are realy the person you claimed to be, send me a picture please with a newspaper in your left hand , and a big fish on your head balancing with your right hand!
Best regards from


Anoniem zei

Da's een goeie hendrik, dat ga ik in de volgende mail vragen! Zijn er nog meer dingen die je wilt weten, bijvoorbeeld over Togo als vakantiebestemming of over mogelijke financiele fraude (ja echt!)in het land? Zeg het maar, dan ga ik het aan onze 'vriend' vragen.

Anoniem zei

Eerst die foto maar eens,
daarna verzin ik nog wel wat!


p.s. heb ik niet zelf verzonnen, is al eens vaker vertoond! (lol)